Monthly Archives: July 2015

It’s the season for ants not uncles to visit.

First prevention
• Keep your house clean, especially the kitchen, as ants get attracted by food sources. Cover attracting substance tightly and clean the furniture surface.
• Sweep the floor after meals, even little messes can attract ants.
• Always cover the foods you don’t hide in fridge.
• Never leave dirty dishes in the sink. Wash them up after each meal.
• Keep trash cans and bins far from your house.
• Take the trash out every day.
• Don’t allow moisture to accommodate on counters and other surfaces, as ants keep looking for water out wherever they can find it and stay near its sources.
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Next Identification and Management
All ants are not created equal. Pavement ants are very common May through July. When the nest is under a heated slab foundation, swarms can also occur indoors during winter.
Look for and treat outdoor nests. When the nest is not found, treat the building perimeter with a residual spray. When pavement ants are nesting under heated concrete slabs, baiting is the most effective control tactic. Use commercially available baits effective against grease-feeding ants.