Snow Removal in Milwaukee

If you live in Milwaukee and have a driveway or parking slab it will take a snow plow no more than a few swipes to clear your driveway. It will cost twenty five to fifty dollars per visit to get your driveway cleared. For anything below six inches of snow one visit should be enough. For a storm where the snowfall is over six inches the snow removal service may need to make two trips, especially if the snow fall is spread out over a longer period of time. Then, they may charge you more for a second visit.

It may cost an extra ten to twenty dollars more to shovel your walkway. The extra cost will vary depending on the size of the area that needs to be shoveled. Salting and/or sanding the areas cleared adds five to twenty more dollars , depending on the area covered. If you have an agreement that allows you the tenant to shovel and salt the walks yourself, you could save some money.

According to the city of Milwaukee, “Residents have 24 hours after the snow stops falling to clear snow from sidewalks. Violations reported to DPW will be inspected and incur an initial inspection fee of $25. If the snow is not cleared after 24 hours, the city will clear it and put the costs along with a $45 – $90 administrative fee on the property tax bill.” If you are looking to hire a snow removal service below is some question to consider.

Will the quote include the driveway/Slab?
Will the quote include walkways and sidewalks?
Will the quote include sanding or salting?
Are they going to plow or blow the driveway?
After how many inches will they start snow removal?